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SA 8000 certificate is a respected social accountability certification for producers, factories and farms. This is based on SA 8000:2014 standard. This standard has 9 clauses. Out of the 9 clauses 8 are related to Labour welfare and 9th clause is related to management system. Because of the management system orientation this standard is little more difficult to adopt. This is why it is more demanding in terms of efforts required to maintain certification.

One of the other reason, it is more respected is that it asks for the Basic Needs Wage implementation. This is a significant demand from the producers and suppliers as this increases their wage bill. This is the reason it is considered a gold standard for Social Accountability.

SA 8000 Certification SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY 8000- also known as SA 8000 certification. SA 8000 standard concerns all companies regardless of activity that aim at continuously improving labour conditions and communicate this to all relevant stakeholders and interested parties, by addressing labour issues also to sub-contractors.